A five-year strategic plan created for the Macroryan Repairing and Maintenance Corporation

For the first time, a comprehensive five-year strategic plan has been prepared and completed for the Macroryan Repairing and Maintenance Corporation.
This strategic plan has been created with the initiative of the company's planning and policy department and with the cooperation and coordination of experienced employees.
This strategic plan is made up of three basic parts: general information, strategy editing and operational program, in which various strategies have been edited for the improvement of the company.
This five-year plan includes the company's values, vision, mission, strategic priorities of the company, strategic situation of the company, SWOT analysis, setting strategic priorities based on QSPM, and operational programs for the next five years, development activities and a five-year budget.
By implementing this strategic plan, the company will be able to achieve its strategic goals in a systematic and gradual manner and will ensure its strategic survival. This strategic plan is a complete guide for all parts of the company. Managements will do all their work in the light of this plan.