The MRMC inspection Department Working Report!

Summary of the working report of the of the internal inspection department of the MRCMC company! Honorable Nazir Ahmad Rahimi, Director internal inspection department, which spoke in the reporting program of the company's employees, which was launched by the publications department, said that this Department is working accordance job Description and work plan. and inspect on technical, financial and administrative departments of the MRMC. Our performance is following: 1. Providing documents and guidelines for marking and addressing administrative books to prevent fraud and work transparency. 2. Providing Arrangement guidelines to receive the necessary documents in the inspection according to the list and requirements of the inspector, which can prevent document fraud. 3. Providing technical advice in the field of entering the names and positions of the competent people who participate in the bidding process and signing contracts, so that the people in question will be responsive if necessary. 4. Providing the necessary advice in order to advance the work affairs of the relevant departments in accordance with the applicable law of the country. He reminded that this management is working on a work plan to be able to monitor financial issues, revenue collection and contracts in a sustainable manner and asked all the sub-departments to cooperate with that management in implementing the mentioned planmanagement in implementing the mentioned plan.