!A drinking water well was dug in Shahrara project

Wed, Aug 02 2023 12:43 PM

In the opening ceremony of this drinking water well, the technical and operational assistant of the company, a number of managers and respected residents of Shahrara project participated.

The gathering began with the recitation of the holy verses of the Holy Quran.

Then Mr. Engineer Mujahid Ansar, technical and operational assistant of the company, said: The leadership board of the Macroryan repairing & maintenance enterprise   has always tried to provide timely services to the residents of Macroryan and related projects. Engineer Mujahid Ansar emphasized that drinking water is a big climate challenge. which covers the whole world, and we should use the principle of saving water. He thanked those who had cooperated in digging a drinking water well and said that this is a good example of the people's cooperation with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and we will not hesitate to cooperate with the people.

Haji Mohammad Akbar Durman, the representative of the respected residents of Shahrara project, said that the leadership of the Macroryan repairing & maintenance enterprise . has always patiently received all the problems of the residents and has taken timely measures to solve them. One of the vivid examples of this is the digging of this drinking water well. He added: Previously, the residents of the Shahrara project were facing many problems due to the lack of drinking water. that by digging this well, their problems have been solved and thanked the leadership of the Macroryan repairing & maintenance enterprise that the people are ready to cooperate with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, especially with the Macroryan repairing & maintenance enterprise.  

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